Monday, April 30, 2012

Cinnamon and Light

I am a major cereal person. Many a morning for breakfast I have cereal with vanilla almond milk and banana slices on top, (don't judge, kids). It's really wonderful and you should try it.
This morning I decided I wanted to have cinnamon on it as well, because I love cinnamon and had heard that it is really good for you.
So as I enjoyed my delicious breakfast choice, which you really have to try sometime because you don't know what you are missing, I realized that while I had heard a couple of reasons why cinnamon was such a supposed miracle food for your health, I didn't actually know what it was good for.
So like a good Homeschooled child, I looked it up.
And it turns out that cinnamon really is pretty cool.

It can help regulate blood sugar, "reduce the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells", it has an anti-clotting effect on blood, helps with arthritis pain, it's a natural food preservative, the the smell of cinnamon "boosts cognitive function and memory", it fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices (though.. I don't typically put cinnamon in my juice, but okay), and it is of course, an excellent source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium. (thank you for the insight)

Please note: While I know it is exciting that cinnamon is good for all of those things, and more, I would not advise the consumption of too much cinnamon at once. No tablespoonfulls for a quick health boost, Ok? This has been a brief disclaimer. Any cinnamon-inhaling/choking incidents are as of this paragraph, not my fault.

Isn't the stuff amazing??!!?
It does all that stuff, and more! It's as if it was created for the soul purpose of keeping us well, and it refuses to do anything otherwise. Cinnamon is amazing, it's like super food on a mission.
But what if cinnamon was a rebel? What if it wanted to have the health benefits of, say, oregano. (Don't ask what oregano is good for. I didn't look that one up)?
What if all the foods and spices decided they wanted to be something else than what God had created them to be?
Simply put, they'd be useless. And we'd be dying.
Thankfully, God didn't allow them a free will.

However, He has entrusted each of us with incredible bodies capable of incredible things, and He expects nothing less from us.
So why are we such rebels? Why do we so often, so readily, refuse to do the things He calls us to do in favor of something else?

Obviously, because of the whole "free will" thing.

If God told me at any given moment "Chelsea, I want you to be a doctor", do you know what I would do?
I would think "Uhmm.. that probably wasn't God telling me to be a doctor, it was must have just been a random thought. He doesn't want me to be a doctor, I'd be bad at it"
Because here's the thing: I do not want to be a doctor. So naturally, I'm going to pull away from that as much as I can.

But God's the one who made us each so uniquely that He designed millions of individual fingerprints, and He knows what we are each capable of to give Him the most glory, if we just obey His voice, for once.

He made cinnamon to do what cinnamon does, and oregano to do whatever it does.

We each have a purpose that He will call us to, and when we get that calling, it can NOT be ignored or brushed off, or else the world will suffer. The world is suffering right now because there are so many people chasing the wrong things! There are too many oranges trying to be strawberries.

I believe that every individual, with God's guidance, can do absolutely world-changing things. If we're open for suggestion and hard work, for sweat and tears, and joy and pain, and love.
If we're willing to let cinnamon be cinnamon, and oregano be oregano.


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