Monday, March 12, 2012

Things Worth Checking Out

I know there's some of you who mentioned that you were eager to read part two of the Gideon post, but you're going to have to wait! :) because said Gideon post is a very time consuming post to write. However, I realized that it's been a while since I last posted and figured I should probably post something, if only to let you know that I'm still alive ;)
So I thought I'd let you in on a few things that really have been speaking to me lately, and just have been nice little boosts to my days.
Two of which are songs.

Song #1 that you should listen to is:
Any Other Way by Tenth Avenue North
I absolutely adore Tenth Avenue North, because their songs are written in such a way that anyone listening to the lyrics will just be drawn in and spoken to. This particular song has been one of my go-to songs recently because it's simply beautiful. I love the lyrics in the ending of the song "you needed my hurt, you needed my pain, it's not love any other way" That hits me hard, every single time. It's just too true! Where would I be if Jesus hadn't endured the pain I deserve? Yikes!

Song #2 that you should listen to:
Afterglow by Nine Lashes
This one takes some careful listening to, I think. I wasn't obsessed with the song until I got what they were really saying. Basically, there are many situations in life that we lose someone that we're close to, one way or another. Friends come and go, relationships end, family member's time on earth ends. And we end up feeling like a a giant chunk of our very being is absent.. and never coming back. It hurts. But what they're saying in the song is that no matter what, you're not alone. One of the lines is "God, fill the spaces left in me" (I think.. it's a new song, ok?) but that sinks in, and I really like the song. So check it out.

Okay and just one other thing.. it's a book. A very popular book for us young people. Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. You may have read it (I know some of you have :P) But it's an amazing book with awesome challenges and new concepts for our generation and it deserves to be read, so if you haven't read it. puh-leeeaaassee do!

Okay I'm out of time!!
Listen to the songs if you have time, read the book if you have more time, haha!

Bye all!

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