Saturday, November 17, 2012


Hello, Friends :-)
Do you remember my earlier post about the trip to Australia with YWAM?
It's hard to believe that it's been so very long since I wrote that post.

We've been working on a very thorough application for this trip ever since I wrote that post,
and after much paper-filling-out and thought and most importantly, prayer, we finished the first half of the application.
On Tuesday morning I received an email from YWAM, which told me that I've been accepted into the Discipleship Training School of Toowoomba, Australia.

I am so excited for this opportunity to serve the Lord through music and missions.

I'd appreciate prayer over the next months as preparation for the trip commences.
I need to do all sorts of things yet. Sign some things, fill out more papers, fund raise, get immunizations, book means of transportation...
(Yes, I am a bit overwhelmed)

But it's good! I know that I'm going to learn huge things, and be stretched, and meet amazing people.




  1. I am here from your Mom's blog:) I will be praying for you! HUGS and prayers!

  2. Also here from your mother's blog... Wow. This is amazing! I'll be thinking of you and praying for you as you work through the process of getting ready.

  3. I'm here from your Mom's blog, too! So excite for you.

  4. I'm here from your mom's blog too, and you will have a grand and blessed time, as you bless other people.

  5. Hi Chelsea, It has been ages since I visited you. I am trying to reconnect with many of my blogging friends that I have not kept up with. Life is busy and I am hoping to have more time this winter when life slows down.
    Congratulations on being chosen for this great opportunity in Australia. I pray that you get everything done and your trip is a blessing

    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  6. I will be praying for you and can't wait to hear all the exciting things you will be experiencing. I am proud of you.

  7. WooHoo!!! Very exciting news. Praying for you as you take your first steps on this journey. And praying for your mommy, too.

  8. Congrats Sweetie! Jumped over from your mom's place ---

    What an adventure in travel, but more importantly, on your spiritual journey! Praying for you as you take this leap into learning and serving our Lord! (And try to have some fun, too!)

  9. So excited for you! This is good! I needed something new to pray about for you. :)

  10. Wow, that is so exciting! Congratulations!
